Promise Your Time
[The Way of Distraction - IV]
It’s okay to make promises to yourself. Let me make clear what I mean here, as I’m using “promise” in a specific way.
What I mean is more like a soft contract with your soul.
What I mean is a covenant with your inner self.
What I mean is a promise to your inner awareness that knows you best.
Think of your time as your most valuable resource. How will you invest it? What will you attend to?
There are $100 million companies vying for your attention. 30 seconds of your time (which will hopefully translate to 5 minutes, a purchase, and eventually loyalty). But there are also 100 million $0 “companies" also vying for your attention. And there is everything in-between that need you to do X, Y, and Z.
People like us that are unwilling to continue in ways like this know what it is we are here to do (and it’s not X, Y, and Z). That call, that vocation, that one itch that you absolutely must scratch—it is to that you must make a promise.
Promise your time. Your attention. Your passion.
In so doing, you are telling all the distractions, “My attention is not for sale; it’s already promised elsewhere.”