Oct 28 - Nov 2, 2019

Last week's roundup.

Monday: Don’t run from tension. Don’t avoid it. Engage it. Utilize it to be better, more focused, more articulate. Tension is often the very force that keeps gravity from pulling you down.

Tuesday: But the rules aren’t written that way; they’re written for the defense—the defenders of the status quo, the defenders of power-holders, gate-keepers, and investors. The rules are written to defend against changing the way things were (and always ought to be, by-golly).

Wednesday: It’s not a gift to wait for. It’s a gift already given, though it may be buried. It’s Desire. Where’s yours? Without it, everything falls flat.

Thursday: But because succeeding at your thing requires, at the very least, all of those things—risk, your best, uncovering your weaknesses—we are effectively choosing failure by trying to avoid them.

Friday: It’s not a degree one needs to step out into the world and offer an alternative. It’s audacity. Grit. Inspiration. Courage. Money can’t buy that. University of Wherever can't give that.

Saturday: Creative capacity is not doled out to some people and not others; capacity is created when we commit to making space in our lives to be the type of people that are creative.

Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.

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