
Will it disrupt what’s normal?
Will it challenge the status quo?
Is it creative or novel or unheard of?
Will it make anyone feel uncomfortable?
Does it ask people to see differently, act differently, engage differently?
Does it re-imagine how we do this or that thing?
Will it demand our attention and get noticed?
Is it challenging the power holders?
Does it point out injustice or sin or inequity?

If you answered “Yes” to any of those questions regarding the thing you’re supposed to do, you’ve likely heard the enemy voice say what it says to me: “You really shouldn’t do that.”

"Shouldn’t” protects the norm, the status quo, the way things are.
“Shouldn’t” keeps people, ideas, and society in place.

And subtly tucked underneath “You shouldn’t” is the threat “Because if you do, there will be a price to pay.” And it’s the “price to pay” that we’re afraid of. Public dismissal. Or worse: ostracism from your community.

If you hear “You shouldn’t” like I hear it, thank the enemy voice for the message. It’s a good sign you’re doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing.


"That’ll Fail”


“You Can’t”