Be a Scapegoat

Societies, religions, communities, even families need a scapegoat.

A scapegoat is the transference of blame for a group’s unresolved conflict, un-dealt with problems, or inescapable calamities. A scapegoat is usually the easiest target; they have the least power, are often the most vulnerable, and are the ultimate victim.

They are necessary to carry the burden of X or Y issue.

From a different angle, however, the scapegoat is the most powerful by virtue of fulfilling the most critical role. Without a scapegoat, a community is threatened by all manner of conflict, a lack of justification and meaning, and unrest. A scapegoat can literally do what no other person or people group can do: defuse conflict and take the blame for problems.

Scapegoats are hated because they are blamed. But scapegoats are also revered, envied, even secretly loved because without them, the whole “house” would come crumbling down.

We’ve all been blamed even though we’re innocent. There’s power there, the extent of which is revolutionary.*

Being a scapegoat is a symptom of your superpower. It’s an early sign that you’re capable of leading, inspiring, and affecting change. Use your power wisely.

*I have a hunch Jesus knew this.

H/T to Peter Thiel for this line of thinking.


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