Try Some Tofu

People like us want to make a difference.
We want ‘things'—culture, the potholes on State Street, politics, teenage anxiety levels, church—to be different.
Some of those ‘things’ directly affect us, and there’s a sense of urgency.

But have you ever not worn socks to work? On purpose?
Or ridden a merry-go-round backwards?
Or trained for a triathlon? Even a mini one?
Or talked to a perfect stranger about the lilacs in your grandmother’s garden?

Change, at the very least, demands us to push the boundaries of our own comfort. We want large social trends to shift, but we haven’t broadened our own horizons, stretched our own imaginations, tested our own limits, or resisted our own inner censor that says, “Shape up, get in line, someone might notice.”

You want the political climate to change, or public education to get an overhaul?
Start with a small stretch today, then push yourself further tomorrow. When you’re comfortable with a large overhaul in your personal life, well, then, use that as a catalyst to push for change elsewhere.

Here’s an idea.
Try some tofu (or whatever is a small stretch for you).
Then cook with it.
Then throw a meatless dinner party—for your steak loving friends.

Now you're well on your way to shaking things up on a larger scale.


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