Capture It

There it was. Did you get it?
There it was again. Did you write it down?

One, two, 25 times a day, we have imaginative sparks, innovative ideas, brilliant insights, novel solutions. It’s who we are. It’s how we work. All of us. No exceptions.

Like the last 10,000 times, they come and go. Here one millisecond and gone the next.

The difference between you and the person you believe to be so brilliant or creative is this: they capture it when it comes. That’s it!

In other words, there is no difference.
Except they write it down.
Sketch it out.
Record it on their phone.

You, dear friend, are brilliant. Please, capture it next time it comes. On a note card or napkin or the back of your hand.

And when the voice in your head tells you it’s not worth your time, ignore it.

It is worth it. Be ready. Capture it.


Homemade Soap


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