Your baby is born . . . he leaves for college.
You buy a car . . . you sell the car.
You land your dream job . . . you retire.
You head to a vacation in Europe . . . you head on a vacation to Southeast Asia.
You start the big project . . . you finish the big project.
The ellipsis. The three dots. The in-between.
Not the big rush at the beginning, and not the climactic finish.
The middle. Half way.
Not the excitement of getting started, and not the anticipation of the finish line.
Most of life happens at the ellipsis, the middle, the in-between.
The goal is not to make more of life like the highs.
The goal is to find the high in the middle, the joy in the process, the beauty in the becoming and the small but wonderful moments of pleasure in-between.
The goal, dear friends, is to encounter the divine in the mundane.