Calling II: Courage

Calling requires work. Often more than anything else you might choose to do. It demands that we always level up and bring our best effort, best self, best work, best gift to the table.

Your work may not be what someone else had in mind for you.
The work may deviate from your former career path.
Maybe it’s less lucrative.
Not in line with your degree.
A sign of failure.

Calling requires caring. Caring is another word for being aware of the needs, pain, voids, and gaps within your reach—and wanting to do something about them. This helps align your gifts with what the world is asking of you.

But your caring may offend people.
Your compassion may convict people.
Your sensitivities and empathy might be ignored or dismissed.
Often by people you thought supported you.

People like us that are unwilling to continue in ways like this are willing to do the work. We care.

Both require courage.




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