Writing is not an Option

I’ve said before we need to dig way down, beneath the noise, and find our voice. Your message is down there. Waiting. Waiting to be wrapped in words. Waiting to be shared with the world.

This is not an afternoon project or a one-off, creative writing session.

It’s nothing short of learning to write again. Remember that ancient form of communication we left behind for texts, memes, and status updates? It must be (re)learned and practiced.

Not everyone is a novelist, a text book author, or a poet.

But everyone has a voice and has a task that requires words. Your strength in communicating lies in marrying those two together. It might be in your home, at your work, in your church, wherever.

Learn to write again.
Practice often.
Labor over words.
Be articulate.
Be accurate.

Your voice depends on it.


No Pain, No Gain


People Believe…