Advertising and Marketing

Advertising needs to create (the experience or sensation of) a problem. And then, of course, offer a solution. The magic of advertising is to fabricate a problem that doesn’t necessarily exist, which justifies a solution that isn’t necessarily needed, for people that didn’t know they needed it. Bingo. Success.Marketing is not that!It’s not about contriving false needs.No fictitious void that needs filling.Marketing, which is telling our story accurately, well, with conviction, and consistent with what we bring to the table, doesn’t justify a solution but names a solution to the problem for the right people that already know they have a problem. This is why when marketing is done well to the right people, they are nodding along in agreement.Don’t advertise your gift, your craft, your call. You will know the people you’re supposed to reach because they’ll nod along with your messaging.Build trust with them.Deliver well to them.Care about them.


Am I the Only One?


Put the Machete Away