When Inspiration Doesn't Strike

If I only wrote when I am inspired, I’d manically tap out 25 pages of content in a day—every month or so. Because inspiration strikes about that often. Sometimes less. Sometimes more.If I only drew, which I like to do, or built with wood, which I also like to do, when inspiration strikes, I’d bang out a picture or a project every few months. Because inspiration for those projects strikes about that often.Inspiration is an incredible motivator. It’s a terrible accumulator.To really produce and generously offer the world your gift, your thing, your message, you can’t wait for inspiration to strike. The content won’t be there. The projects won’t come quickly enough. The pages simply won’t get written.If you show up, despite inspiration, day in and day out, you will accumulate. Not all amazing stuff. Maybe not all good stuff. But some of it will be. Inspiration will strike and you won’t be scrambling to catch up. You’ll take it in stride. That hour or day or week will be exceptionally productive and creative. You’ll be there. Ready.Inspiration is unpredictable. You don’t have to be.


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