Be Memorable
Think of the last few things you did, ate, experienced, felt, whatever.
- Brushed your teeth.
- Ate oatmeal.
- Folded laundry.
- Got in your car.
- Bought a shirt.
Short term memory is filled with mundane details.Now, think of a few things you did, not yesterday but, two weekends ago. Are you drawing a blank? If you’re not, what do you remember?
- Ate these incredible curly fries at a new restaurant.
- Had coffee at my favorite cafe Sunday morning with a friend.
- Got news that a sibling is engaged.
Longer term memories are few, but the memory itself is richer, more full, detailed. You can picture the experience. It stuck. Experiences that are neutral, banal, bland, get pushed out the back door of our memory.What’s your craft? If it’s preaching, building, hair styling, cooking, and it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing in a way that is memorable.The world doesn’t need more bland junk to forget about.