An old friend of mine used to tell me that I was idealistic. He was very practical; I am a dreamer.
My dreams only worked in the perfect world of my mind, he would remind me.
I accepted this as a solid refutation, partly because I knew that I was a dreamer, but mostly because so many others (verbally or in their actions) dismissed my dreams as unrealistic. I was often alone, the sole believer in my ideas.
The only difference between an idea dreamed up by an idealist and permanent change that everyone supports is steadily plugging along, ignoring the detractors.
As soon as it happens, it moves from idealistic to realistic; it moves from idea to reality. It goes from being something people can dismiss as a farfetched dream to a great idea everyone gets behind. And then, at some point, it is the obvious thing that needed to happen.
Many ideas will never become reality. But that’s not why we push. That’s not why we wake up and work to realize them. We plug away toward the dreams because one will work. One will break through.
And when it does, no one will dismiss that idea as a dream anymore because something is only idealistic until it happens!
Today, tomorrow, and two days from now, plug away at your dream.
I’ll join you.